The pollution in our Society

Hi Hi!!

In this occasion I come to talk about the enviorment and their importance of their natural conservation. 

It´s an activity in relation to an international experience that I will carry out shortly in the city of Ommen (Holland) in collaboration with the Erasmus + program financed by the European Union that promotes mobility and the exchange of knowledge between young people from the different member countries of the European Union.

In accordance with the European Climate Agreement, we can see different strategies and priority topics, such as the development of Green Spaces to be more resilient against climate threats (specifically in Spain it is desertification), as well as the promotion of spaces for education and awareness of society, the development and implementation of ecological transport, the use of sustainable materials for the construction of buildings as well as the development of jobs that have a positive impact on the environment.

In my City Valladolid, different strategies are being implemented to achieve these objectives.

From educational centers and neighborhood community spaces, different campaigns are being developed to promote green spaces and the creation of ecological gardens, as a way of implanting green spaces controlled and organized by the community in abandoned areas, in addition to offering ecological products that the residents of the community can consume. It also allows the educational field to bring knowledge to children, favoring their knowledge of how to care for the natural environment and the plants that they will later consume.

Near the city  there is a pine tree forest that is usually a space where young people stay in summer and there are spaces to disconnect, but it is also necessary to take care of the space so as not contaminate and leave rubish that increasse fire risks.

A bike road has also been created (a demand that has existed from young people for a long time) and which has improved communication between the city center and remote areas without the need to use a car or motorcycle. On the other hand, a public cheap bicycle rental service is offered and a discount for young people for the use of public transport.

Electric recharging points for electric and zero-emission cars have also been increased, but sure we can do more!

Regarding what young people can do, from the youth social council they are giving awareness workshops on the need to take care of the natural spaces that exist, and to prevent the garbage generated by them from ending up in the parks without being collected and there it ends up in the rivers or in any other part of the city and in the natural environment.

I have to say that Valladolid is not a very polluted city, if it is true that the population level has grown in the urban core, and that the use of cars and transport has also increased respectively, but nothing compared to other big cities like Barcelona, or Madrid, although we must not stop taking steps towards a future free of carbon emissions, and the creation of sustainable spaces that increase the quality of life of the city's habitants,  not only atmospheric pollution, but also light and noise one. 

I let here the link for more information about the European Pact


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